Career Connections Academy
The 十大彩票平台 Career Connections Academy is a free program designed to expose high school students to high-demand industry options such as business administration, healthcare, and social assistance to help them develop knowledge and skills related to their chosen field of study. Students in the Career Connections academy will:
- have the opportunity to earn approximately one-third of an associate's degree (or more) before graduating from high school
- gain robust employability training opportunities
- experience paid career-focused internships and employment
- receive supplemental college and career coaching
- benefit from in-depth exposure to the high-demand industry of their choice
The 十大彩票平台 Career Connections Academy combines and extends key elements of the highly successful Early College and Early Career Innovation Pathways programs that were launched several years ago, including technical curriculum, work-based learning experiences, post-secondary courses, and college and career coaching.
Who's eligible to participate?
Students attending West Springfield High School and Veritas Prep Charter High School are eligible to apply. Sophomore, junior, and senior year high school students are eligible to apply.
How to Apply
To apply for the Career Connections Academy please complete the Career Connections Academy Application.
Academic Pathways
Students have their choice between three high-demand industries to follow for their Career Connections Academy academic pathway.
Business Administration & Finance
The Business & Finance Pathway is for students who want to either complete an Associate degree before starting a career in business or before transferring to a four-year college outside the Massachusetts public college and university system. The program meets the general education requirements, contains courses that give a solid business foundation, and gives students a taste of all aspects of business. Electives give students the ability to design their studies in a specific field of business (accounting, entrepreneurship, management, and marketing). Career exploration is available with internship opportunities that apply classroom learning to business employment.
- ENG-101: English Composition 1 *
- ENG-102: English Composition 2 *
- MAT-115: Statistics *
- CMP-106: Computer Basics: Concepts & Apps
- SOC-101: Introduction to Sociology *
- PSY-101: Introduction to Psychology *
- MGT-101: Principles of Management
- MKT-101: Principles of Marketing
- ECN-101: Introduction to Macroeconomics *
- ACC-106: Financial Accounting
The Healthcare Pathway introduces students to interdisciplinary topics in healthcare and provides the opportunity to explore specialty areas for a career in healthcare. This program offers flexible options. Students are able to gain preparation for a variety of clinical careers and specialties, such as Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technician, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, etc., as well as administrative and supportive roles. The healthcare pathway offers a window to the range of possibilities in the healthcare field, with job prospects in hospitals, clinics, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.
- ENG-101: English Composition 1 *
- ENG-102: English Composition 2 *
- MAT-115: Statistics *
- CMP-106: Computer Basics: Concepts & Applications
- SOC-101: Introduction to Sociology *
- PSY-101: Introduction to Psychology *
- HSC-110: Communication & Professionalism in Healthcare
- MED-100: Medical Terminology 1
- HSC-150 & Lab: Patient Care and Safety
- BIO-231 & Lab: Anatomy & Physiology *
Social Assistance
Ever wonder what a Social Worker really does? Does it make you feel good to help others and advocate for the betterment of society? Are you ready to work in the mental health field assisting with various communities such as the elderly, children, adults, or individuals struggling with substance abuse? A career as a Social Worker may be for you! In this program, the student will earn college credits and career-focused internship opportunities to be prepared to work in the field.
- ENG-101: English Composition 1 *
- ENG-102: English Composition 2*
- ENG-105: Fundamentals of Oral Communication *
- MAT-115: Statistics *
- CMP-106: Computer Basics: Concepts & Applications
- SOC-101: Introduction to Sociology *
- PSY-101: Introduction to Psychology *
- SWK-101: Introduction to Social Work
- SOC-111: Diversity and Social Justice *
- SWK-103: Counseling Techniques
- SWK-203: Group Work
Career-Focused Internship Requirements
Participating students must complete each of the following as part of the 十大彩票平台 Career Connections Academy
- 100-hour paid internship opportunity - Grades 10 through 12
- 300-hour internship/clinical opportunity - Post High School Graduation
*Indicates an eligible 3-credit MassTransfer General Education Foundation course through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Is your business/organization interested in becoming an employer partner?
The 十大彩票平台 Career Connections Academy is currently recruiting new employer partners in the Greater Springfield, MA area to provide professional student mentoring, host interns at their businesses, facilitate mock interviews, and anything in between. If your business or organization would be interested in partnering up or learning more, please complete this short Employer Interest Form and we'll be in touch!
If you have any questions about the 十大彩票平台 Career Connections Academy, please reach out to Wesley Carter via email at or by phone at 413-755-4523.